I'm Liam Sheehan
Instructional Designer

I help businesses realize their goals by delivering creative and innovative learning experiences.


Click through the links below to look at some of my projects!

About Me

I blend gamification, cutting edge technology, and proven learning theories to create exhilarating educational experiences with a learner-first perspective.

My passion lies at the intersection of game design and instructional design. Throughout my years in the L&D space, I’ve delivered learning experiences in a variety of industries, like higher education, fashion, and video game companies.

Creating a great educational experience is like solving a puzzle, and a bit like designing a game. Through this cross-disciplinary background, I learned that fun is the key to learning and the most powerful motivator on earth.

Liam has a strong ability to put himself in the mind of someone who doesn’t know the material he’s teaching. I think that’s a rare quality that marks a great designer. if I were looking to assemble a team to design educational programs now, I’d want Liam as one of the lead designers. In his role at Connected Camps, his passion for the work blossomed and he developed a deep understanding of the educational values that were core to our approach. Liam’s voracity for new skills and ability to quickly learn would make him a great addition to any team but his passion and drive for education that is empowering for learners and dynamic to their individual needs makes him a fantastic addition to an instructional design team in particular.
Luke Lohden
Former Manager at Connected Camps

Contact Me

Let’s see how we can work together.
